Mad World, Depression, and Me

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A recent follower emailed me who mentioned that my music literally saved her and helped her overcome bullying in school.

She shared with me how my music unexpectedly brought her and her “bully” together to become friends because they suddenly had a mutual interest, me! (haha!). So I wanted to dedicate this video to those who are struggling with bullying, or depression, or even suicidal thoughts just to share with you all that no one is alone and we are all here for each other 🙂

“Mad World” made famous by Tears for Fears
Recorded by Peter Hollens
Filmed by Fifgen Films

I have personally struggled with depression my entire life, and it’s perfectly normal. I think society has a way of making us feel bad for having struggles.  I honestly feel it is important for us all to speak out if we ever feel down instead of trying to hide it, because what we do best as a people is care for each other. I say let’s FIGHT that stigma and EMBRACE these difficulties and UTILIZE them!

The best thing that has helped me with my own periods of depression is creating music for my supporters. I can only hope that it continues to help them feel genuine emotion and we can continue this AWESOME cycle of helping one another through music!

So if you feel down, I dedicate this one to you! And if you know someone who might be feeling a little down, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE share this video with them and tell them how important they are in this life! ALSO! I’m curious. How is your current situation right now? Are you experiencing depression? If so, I’d love to hear about your experience in the comments below!

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