Come Little Children & The Hanging Tree

Let’s Get in the Halloween Spirit with a Spooky Halloween Mashup!! 👻 🎃 🕸️

This mashup of Come Little Children and The Hanging Tree was so fun to make… You may recall Bailey Pelkman was my December Song cover contest winner!! This summer I flew Bailey from Canada and we shot a couple videos together. This is one of them!!

You’ll want to grab a blanket, some candy corn, and watch Hocus Pocus after seeing this video 😉 You have been asking for me to sing “Come Little Children” for a loooong time, so I’m thrilled that I finally got to do it! What do you think of mashing it up with The Hanging Tree?! I couldn’t resist!

I hope you LOVE this mashup, and I hope it helps get you into the Halloween spirit!!!👻 🎃 🕸️

Definitely don’t forget to check out Bailey here:


Much love, and happy early Halloween 😉 
P.S. Get 10% off your pre-order of my new Christmas album, A Hollens Family Christmas Deluxe, only for the next 24 hours!
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